Always looking for new opportunities and challenges, Jeselyn Labiste is a UCF business student studying at the Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting with a concentration in International Business. She also supports UCF’s College of Business as a student ambassador, working to transform the college into a “next-generation business school.”
Jeselyn plans to graduate in Fall 2019. Through her rigorous course work and attention to detail, she recently had the opportunity to apply her skills as an audit intern for RSM during the summer.
What is your role with RSM?
RSM is an international accounting firm that specializes in audit, tax and consulting services. The firm’s purpose is to globally provide middle-market leaders with a “power of being understood.” We are the 5th largest Accounting firm in the United States. RSM strives to have an inclusive work environment and have a strong presence with community service.
During my eight week internship, I have worked alongside other interns and employees for different client engagements. I was able to put my knowledge from my audit class to the test. I conducted several inquiries and observations for walkthroughs, and developed work papers and request lists for several employee benefit plans and SEC planning engagements. I have learned so much and really look forward to having a thriving career in the audit field.
How did you find this internship? Have you gone to any networking events?
I attended “Meet the Firms” presented by Beta Alpha Psi and the Student Accounting Society. I was able to make a good impression with one of the associates and the North Florida recruiter. Then I landed the on-campus interview and eventually earned an in-office interview. The recruiting process was extensive but well worth it.
What steps did you take in preparing for this internship?
I got my resume critiqued several times. I went to the Office of Professional Development, Career Services and had it reviewed by family/friends. I attended two mock interviews, received helpful feedback and practiced in front of a mirror to learn how to maintain eye contact. In addition, I made sure I was able to answer with specific examples to several behavioral questions I found online.
What is one thing you’ve taken away from being an intern?
As an intern, I have learned to take criticism and ask for help from others. It’s hard to get out of your comfort zone, but taking baby steps to ask for help when you don’t know a certain step and building upon skills when feedback is given is a great way to start.
Every Year, RSM employees raise funds for local charities that align with the missions set by RSM US Foundation. This year, Orlando’s chosen charity was the Boys and Girls Club of Central Florida. Each year, the summer interns are in charge of setting up an in-office event that all local office employees can attend and help raise money. This year, the Orlando interns decided to host a carnival, so employees can enjoy games, food and drinks after a long day of work. The competition was broken into three firm practices: audit, tax and consulting. The winning team (audit) got a trophy, bragging rights and gets to choose the costume the losing team’s (consulting) partner wears at the next campaign function. I am very proud to say the event was a success and we raised more than $7,000 for the Boys and Girls Club.
One piece of advice for other students looking for internships?
My advice to all students looking for internships: do not be discouraged and be open-minded. Allow yourself to look for the opportunities presented to you. The College of Business has many great internship positions from corporate sponsors. The first step to getting them is visiting The EXCHANGE and meeting face-to-face with recruiters.