The best education occurs when you get a chance to sit and have a conversation with someone who has something interesting to say. The more opportunities you have to participate in such conversations, the more you are going to learn. This is the idea behind The EXCHANGE.

Every weekday, someone will engage the students with something interesting to say. That person could be an employer, alumnus, faculty member, expert, writer, leader, elected official or fellow student. Each of our guests will be hosted by a key member of the College: The Director of The EXCHANGE, Dean Paul Jarley, an associate dean, department chair or faculty member. Each conversation will have up to 120 seats available for students.

Located at: Business Admin. I (BA1 Rm 148)
Have Questions? Contact Us

Business Administration I (BA1)

Upcoming Events

Walmart brings employees from Early Careers, Merchandising Operations, Finance and Global Audit to share their roles and how they started with Walmart. Speakers will include: • Sydney Golub, Early Careers Recruiter • Alma Lopez, Senior Manager in Merchandising Operations •…
Join Jon and Betsy as they share their story of Track Shack from its founding in 1977 to inspiring Central Florida residents to the joys of running. Named one of the top 50 running stores in the country, Track Shack…
UCF Alumni comeback to speak about how they got to the ONE! Moderated by Megan Blanco from the Office of Professional Development, we speak to fellow alumni on what they did at UCF that helped their success, advice they would…
Why is your personal brand important, even if you are not on sales? What tips can help land your next internship, job, client, project? Dr. Carolyn Massiah moderates UCF Alumni to speak about how growing their personal brand has helped…
Meet the women who are share their career journey from UCF to their current roles, and how they continue to make waves in their industries.
Meet the women who are share their career journey from UCF to their current roles, and how they continue to make waves in their industries.


An EXCHANGE speaker interacts with students

Education Beyond the Classroom

The culture of the college is changing, the knowledge economy is shifting and technology is moving more rapidly than ever before. The college is ready to respond to these changes—to be flexible, creative and innovative—to prepare students for our interconnected world. The availability of online learning and the ubiquity of the internet do not make the need for student engagement less important; it makes it more important. Learning depends on human interaction, exploration and experimentation. The best education happens when people from diverse backgrounds and experiences come together and have a conversation.

The EXCHANGE, presented by FAIRWINDS, was designed to be a hub of ideas and educational activities that expand learning by connecting students with thought leaders, employers, faculty members and each other. The EXCHANGE is the culmination of student engagement efforts across the college and under the direction of the Dean, the Office of Professional Development and the Outreach & Engagement team.

The mission of The EXCHANGE is to inspire and enable College of Business students to broaden their perspectives and explore their potential outside of the classroom. During the fall and spring semesters, The EXCHANGE will host speakers representing industries from around the world.

An EXCHANGE speaker interacts with students

Conveniently located in the College in the Business Administration Building 1 (BA1), in the old Magruder Computer Lab, The EXCHANGE can accommodate 100 students per session. Throughout the year, some students will be required to attend learning sessions as part of their course expectations. Some will come for extra credit, while others will simply seek the value of the experience. Whatever the reason for their attendance, participation at The EXCHANGE is a critical part of the overall student experience at UCF.

Sponsored by FAIRWINDS

We recognize banking and education are both essential to enable students to achieve their individual ambitions and prosperity. FAIRWINDS is a tremendous partner to the university and has been instrumental in many initiatives that have made the University of Central Florida what it is today. Both FAIRWINDS and the College share the mission of providing education and access to resources that benefit the long-term prosperity of students and our community.

You need your UCF Student ID to enter The EXCHANGE. There are no exceptions to this rule as check-in will need it to access your reservation. If you are receiving credit from a GEB course, you will need to print a copy of the verification form provided by your instructor. This form is to be completed during the session and stamped at the end by a member of The EXCHANGE.

In addition, we recommend looking up the speaker and their company ahead of time to prepare a few questions. Guest speakers are impressed when you display knowledge and interest in their industry, and it helps you to stand out among the crowd.

Yes, all business students coming to The EXCHANGE need to register in advance, regardless of whether or not they are receiving class credit. Make sure to register as far in advance as possible because the events are often fully booked and unable to accept walk-ins. It is possible to arrive early to the event without registering in the hope of getting an available seat; however, there is no guarantee of admission.

You may only cancel a reservation if it is more than 48 hours in advance. Seating is competitive so it is important to honor the commitment rather than waste a seat that could have been used by another student. Penalties for a “no-show” are at the discretion of the professor, and it is recommended that you consult your syllabus regarding the professor’s policy. However, if an emergency situation occurs, please contact your professor with a detailed explanation, and it will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

There will be NO LATE ENTRIES once the event has started. These events invite professionals from the community into The EXCHANGE, and it is expected that you conduct yourself professionally and arrive on time. Allow time to find parking on campus and feel free to arrive early to take advantage of the computers and study space before the event.

Priority is given to business students via the ability to register for events in advance. If you are Pending status for the College of Business or a student from another college, you may arrive 10 minutes early in the hope of getting an available seat. However, there is no guarantee of availability.

Business casual is recommended but not required. Please keep in mind these are professionals visiting from the community who are often seeking bright-minded and qualified students to employ. There often are opportunities at the end of the session to meet the speaker and ask for a business card, so it is in your best interest to look not only presentable but hirable.

UCF College of Business Diversity Speaker Series presented by Brian Nichols, Laurette Koellner and the Dean’s Advisory Board

MISSION: The UCF College of Business Diversity Speaker Series is a forum for students to further their awareness of issues and opportunities to “Become More Inclusive and Diverse” in support of UCF’s strategic goal. The series encourages participants to appreciate differing perspectives, cultivate critical thinking and foster open communication.

Speakers for the Diversity Series are invited to share personal experiences and perspectives on current issues impacting business today. We look for them to help expand our understanding and broaden our knowledge of these societal issues.

VISION: Born out of the tragic events which occurred at Pulse nightclub on June 12, 2016, the largest mass shooting in US history, UCF College of Business Dean’s Advisory Board, alumni and faculty sought to create this forum for students to help heal and to exchange ideas understanding the fabric of our society is held together by a common thread…diversity.

VENUE: The EXCHANGE, a 120 “idea room,” The EXCHANGE is about interactive storytelling. We look for speakers to tell their compelling story in an authentic and engaging manner that expands students’ horizons, changes their perspective, helps them make good choices about their lives and careers and gives them insight how to succeed. To make it interactive, we recommend presentations be 30 to 45 minutes to allow time for questions and discussion from the students and moderator.