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The need for physical distancing and the limited number of classroom spaces available means many classes will be taught remotely, and starting July 1, students will know whether their courses will be offered face-to-face or remotely. In anticipation of questions you may have, the College of Business has put together this FAQ to help as we navigate this unprecedented fall semester. We will continue to update this page with additional questions and information.


Undergraduate Courses Fall 2020 FAQs

I signed up for a face-to-face course, but now it is online, why?
Given the current state of the pandemic, opening safely this fall requires us to have fewer students on campus and in classes than normal. While we would prefer that all of our courses be face to face, the pandemic reduced our capacity and we had to prioritize those courses that could only be provided in a face-to-face mode (e.g., negotiations courses, professional sales, etc.). Where we had more than three sections of the same course, we could provide some options that were face to face, as well as online. If your course didn’t meet this criteria, it was moved online.

Why was I removed from a face-to-face section of a course I signed up for?
The coronavirus pandemic has forced us to restrict on-campus class sizes, and in this case, we had more students originally signed up for this course than we have space for in the classroom. We removed students in the reverse order in which they registered to reach the acceptable limit. Please contact the Office of Professional Development at if you need help finding another section or a substitute course.

I was removed from a course I need to graduate this semester, what should I do?
Please contact the Office of Professional Development at and make an appointment with an advisor.

My instructor changed, why?
In creating the new schedule, we had to balance safety concerns for both our students as well as our faculty. Some changes were necessary to ensure that everyone remains safe.

Might more face-to-face options be added to the schedule?
That is highly unlikely due to the reduced space available on campus.

Can I just skip this semester and enroll in the spring when I hope things will be back to normal?
Generally speaking, yes. But please check with an advisor to make sure you are not in a special situation that would negatively impact your standing or progress toward your degree before making a final decision. There may also be some financial ramifications of this. You may need to check with < Housing and Residence Life and UCF Financial Aid to understand how this decision may impact your finances.

Can I get a refund on classes I don’t want to take?
Refer to the Fall 2020 Academic Calendar for the deadline to drop courses without penalty. So long as you drop before this date, you will not incur the tuition and fees associated with this course.

Now that my classes are online, will I still have to pay fees for things I won’t get to use?
This is a matter for the Board of Trustees. They have not indicated any reduction in fees for the fall semester at this time.

I am currently in a face-to-face section, but with everything going on, I would prefer to be in a remote section, can I switch?
Yes, if a section is available. If not, you might want to consider enrolling in another course that meets your safety concerns and is part of your plan of study so you don’t delay your graduation. If you have questions about this, please contact the Office of Professional Development.

What if I am in a face-to-face section and decide during the semester that I do not feel safe coming to campus? Can I switch to an online section of the course?
If there is an online section of your course taught by the same instructor, then with their permission you can switch to an online section.

I am in a face-to-face course but have heard I will only be allowed to attend class on certain days, is this true?
This is possible. For some large classes that have course elements that can only be delivered face to face, we are using a rotational class schedule where students will attend on certain dates and participate remotely on others. Please check with your faculty member to see if they are implementing such a plan and the days you will be expected to attend in person. If you are participating remotely, your instructor must have a plan to ensure that you are not disadvantaged relative to students are attending live.

Will I have to wear a mask in class on campus?
Yes, everyone must wear a mask in a face-to-face class, per UCF policy. Your instructor will also be wearing a mask or face shield.

Will I have to wear a mask in class on campus? What if I have a documented medical condition that prohibits me from wearing a mask due to breathing issues?
Everyone must wear a mask in a face-to-face class, per UCF policy. If you are unable to wear a mask, you should enroll in online classes only. Instructors will also be wearing a mask or face shield.

I may need help from my professor, teaching assistant or from someone in a help lab. May I schedule a face-to-face meeting with them?
No. To keep everyone safe all such meetings are going to be done virtually through zoom or a similar platform. If students don’t have access to such technology, meetings will have occur via phone.

What if I need help from the Office of Professional Development can I schedule a face-to-face meeting with someone in that office?
A limited number of face-to-face sessions may be available, but most sessions will be done electronically.

Will the testing center be open in BA-2 or will all my tests be administered remotely?
The testing center will have reduced seating capacity to maintain social distancing. It will be available for testing only in face-to-face courses or where very special circumstances apply. Please check your syllabus for where testing will take place.

What about all the events that the college hosts for students throughout the semester?
The situation is still fluid. We will host as many things in a face-to-face setting as possible, but will no doubt have some things that will be done online. Our alumni, corporate partners and potential employers, faculty and staff still want to meet you so we are going to be as creative as we can to make those meetings happen.

What if I think I have COVID-19 or think that I have been exposed to COVID-19?
If you think you may have been exposed, you should not attend face-to-face classes. You should get tested and inform your instructor you are awaiting the result. Continue to do your classwork remotely.

What if I test positive for COVID-19 during the semester?
A positive test result will mean you can’t attend our face-to-face classes. If you can document that you are asymptomatic and able to continue your studies, we will work with you to help you stay on track. If you are sick and have the proper documentation, some reasonable accommodation to make up work will be made. In very severe cases involving a lengthy absence, a medical withdrawal may be in order.

What if a student in class tests positive for COVID-19?
We may have to move the entire class online and keep all of the students in the course off campus for a period of time to minimize the impact on our UFC community.

What if my instructor tests positive for COVID-19?
If it is a face-to-face class, the faculty member, just like a student who tests positive, would not be allowed to attend the face-to-face class. If the instructor is sick and cannot teach the course, we will find a substitute to fill in while the instructor recovers.

What if the pandemic gets worse?
It is entirely possible that we will have to pivot to a remote learning format just as we did last spring.

If everything switches to an online format after the semester begins, can I withdraw and get a refund of my tuition? Will the S/U grading alternative be available like it was in the spring?
If everything switches to an online format during the semester, the university will determine if any changes will be made to its regular refund and grading policies at that time.

Office of Professional Development Virtual Advising FAQs

During this unprecedented time, the Office of Professional Development has transitioned to assist the 8,500+ College of Business students remotely. The office has received an influx of emails and the current response rate is now between 3 to 5 business days. To provide efficiency in responses to students, the office is limiting the schedule planning to one semester. Below are a few helpful tools to assist students in planning future semesters.

The office is asking that students’ questions and/or concerns are documented in the FIRST email submitted, and please be as thorough as possible. Please ensure that your UCF ID is provided in the initial email. Any missing information will result in a delayed response.

How will classes be conducted?
All classes have moved online through the summer A, C and D semesters. Currently, summer B is not included in the online remote learning. All summer courses in the College of Business will have a day and time assigned as many courses will still meet at this time, however they will be meeting remotely through web courses, Zoom, or some other modality. Based on this information, no time conflicts will be allowed.

How can I find my enrollment date?
You can access your enrollment date by logging into the myUCF portal and select “Student Self Service.” Once logged into your Student Center, scroll to the right side of the screen to the “Enrollment Date” box and click on “Details.” This will show the specific day and time you are assigned. Our office is not able to change or grant students any other enrollment time than what has been assigned from the Registrar office.

How do I access my degree audit?
The degree audit is an advising tool for students and advisors to track progress toward your program of study. You can access your degree audit by logging into the myUCF portal and select “Student Self Service”. Once logged into your Student Center, select “Degree Audit/myKnight Audit” from the drop-down menu under Academic Information.

How do I pull a “What-if Report”?
The “What-if Report” is a degree audit for students and advisors to see another program of study. This tool can be useful if a student were to change their major or if a student would like to see the full degree audit of a restricted major, such as one of the College of Business majors. You can access a What-if Report by logging into the myUCF portal and select “Student Self Service.” Once logged into your Student Center, select “What-if Report” from the drop-down menu under Academic Information.

  • Then click: Create New Report
  • Choose Academic Program: RCBA
  • Choose Area of Study: Selected Major
  • Then Submit Request

Where do I find my catalog year?
Located on the top, right of your degree audit under Cat Yr/Term.

Where can I find UCF catalogs?
Catalogs can be found here.

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College of Business Virtual Internships

For Employer Partners:

To help mitigate the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, UCF is taking preventative steps, including moving our courses online and having employees work remotely. As part of these precautionary measures, we are asking you to transition your UCF Intern to a remote working internship or co-op experience for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester and for any Summer 2020 internships. Based on conversations with experiential leaders across the country, we identified potential remote internship or co-op learning alternates for your consideration.

  • Develop a plan to provide operational solutions for the organization
  • Write scripts or social media posts
  • Create a communications plan surrounding Coronavirus and prepare the documents for that plan to be implemented
  • Work with the organization to review and improve a specific policy
  • Translate the organization’s promotional and/or material into other languages to help community members who do not speak English
    Stress that you expect students to remain actively engaged in their work and to be professional in their communications and interactions with your organization. As you implement remote working alternatives, we suggest considering:

    • How will you communicate with students electronically (i.e., Skype or Zoom meetings, conference calls or telephone calls)?
    • How will students track their hours?
    • How will you check the quality of the students’ work (e.g., using cloud-based applications)?
    • Does the student have the required technology to complete off-site work (i.e., laptop, access to software and internet access)?
    • How often will you contact your intern?

The health and safety of our students and community is our top priority. For additional information about UCF’s approach to the Coronavirus outbreak, visit UCF’s Coronavirus website.

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