
Stephen Goodman, Ph.D, is an Associate Professor Emeritus of Management at the University of Central Florida. He received both an M.B.A. and a Ph.D. in Business Administration from The Pennsylvania State University. In addition to his two graduate business degrees, Dr. Goodman holds undergraduate degrees in Electrical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering. Prior to joining the UCF Management faculty, Dr. Goodman spent 12 years on the faculties of Ohio State University and Florida State University. He then capped off his academic career with 34 years as a member of the UCF College of Business Administration faculty. His UCF tenure included 25 years of leadership in the Faculty Senate, 10 years as Interim Chair and Assistant Chair of the CBA Management Information Systems Department, and 7 years as Chair of the CBA Management Department. Dr. Goodman’s teaching and research were concentrated in the areas of Quality Management, Production/Operations Management, Project Management, and Management Science. He is the author or co-author of more than 50 scholarly papers and articles in these areas, a co-author on 8 management textbooks, and a co-editor on a management readings book. In addition to his balance of teaching, research, and service work within the University, Dr. Goodman maintained a strong involvement with the business community through a variety of consulting engagements. An additional complement to his academic credentials was achieved when Dr. Goodman was awarded the level of Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (CFPIM) within the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS). This distinction afforded him the opportunity to contribute to his profession through many seminars and training courses for practitioners in the field of production/operations management.