
Dr. Lynch is a serial intrapreneur, entrepreneur, Chief Sustainability Officer, competitive strategy executive, brand and product innovator, and interdisciplinary scholar in developmental psychology and speech and hearing sciences. Mike is now focused on innovation and entrepreneurship at UCF where he teaches ENT 6617 Innovation & Entrepreneurship Strategy and ENT 5185 Technological Entrepreneurship. Extensive strategic ESG accomplishments documented in the press. Grew NASCAR Green into the largest and most recognized sustainability program in sports. Developed and commercialized ClearSynergy—the only side-effect-free product that significantly reduces acne. Led development and commercialization of the first large-scale home health and medication compliance monitoring platform at ADT WellHealth. Led strategy projects in media and entertainment, hedge funds, IT, health care, and industrial goods in the Chicago office of The Boston Consulting Group. Achieved early promotion with tenure at Purdue, where he was awarded an NIH FIRST Award for study of infant music perception. Dr. Lynch’s lab at Purdue was also the first to quantify infant production of musically-structured phrasing in prelinguistic vocalizations. Mike’s MBA with Honors in Finance & Strategic Management is from the full-time MBA program at the Chicago Booth School of Business. His PhD and MS degrees in Developmental Psychology are from the University of Miami where he studied with D. Kimbrough Oller and Rebecca Eilers.  His Bachelor of Music degree in Studio Music & Jazz is also from the University of Miami. Dr. Lynch has published 28 refereed journal articles with a Google Scholar h-index = 17, i-10 index = 23, and total citations = 1,977 since last publication in 1996.  Started out with a jazz saxophone scholarship at the University of Miami planning to leave college before graduating to perform and travel. Every career step since then has been focused on contributing measurably to the greater good.


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