Laurie Botts is the Real Estate Division Manager for the City of Orlando. She is a state-certified residential real estate appraiser and a licensed real estate broker with more than 35 years experience in real estate sales/disposition, development, leasing, property management, marketing and analysis. As the City’s Real Estate Manager for more than 16 years, she and her staff represent the City in real estate matters, negotiate real estate transactions, negotiate and monitor lease agreements, evaluate the City’s current and future real estate needs and supervise the maintenance of all City real property records and fixed assets.
She is a graduate of University of Central Florida with a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Public Administration and Speech Communications. She also earned a Master’ degree in Public Administration from UCF and was inducted in the Pi Alpha Alpha scholastic honor society. Laurie is an adjunct instructor in the College of Business where she has taught the Real Estate Appraisal and Valuation Class (REE 4103) for more than eight years.
In addition to teaching, Laurie is a member of the Orlando Regional Realtor Association and the Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) and an associate member of the Appraisal Institute. She was appointed to serve on the City of Orlando Police Pension Board and the Central Florida Expressway Authority Right-of-Way committee.