With a five year goal of holding a management position in corporate finance, Martin Mullalli, President of Financial Management Association (FMA), prepares for his senior year of college by expanding his professional network and staying involved around campus in order to earn a stronger presence in the business community.

Mullalli, a UCF College of Business student, is pursuing a finance degree and a Certificate of Investments with a projected graduation date of May 2020. He has been an active member of FMA for two years and was a member of the Fundraising Committee, which lead him to be the current president.

“Any of the members of FMA could one day be my coworker, a client or a business partner, and paths may cross again in the near future,” Mullalli says. “My favorite part of being involved with FMA is the ability to not only hear from current professionals, but being able to cultivate friendships with future business professionals. Making connections is key to setting yourself up for success and FMA can help do that.”

Financial Management Association welcomes students from all majors, as their overall goal is for students to become connected with each other. FMA will meet Wednesdays at 4:45 PM beginning in the Fall 2019 semester in the Student Union Room 218AB.

Getting To Know Financial Management Association

What is the purpose of FMA?

The mission of the Financial Management Association is to enhance the future of all participating members by providing them with the tools, resources, and involvement such as networking opportunities and finance workshops needed to be successful in a finance-related career.

How does being in FMA enhance your UCF experience?

Being an active member in FMA made the transition into UCF a much smoother process. FMA allowed me to connect with other students with similar goals and career aspirations while providing me with guidance into choosing a career path that fit best.

What is something unique that FMA offers to finance students?

FMA allows for its active members to network with current professionals from top tier firms. Additionally, active members can attend a business conference every semester, such as the Quinnipiac G.A.M.E. Forum.

What opportunities, events, and activities does FMA at UCF provide?

FMA has weekly meetings and offers weekly office hours split between the executive board. We also attend multiple social events throughout the semester such as Topgolf, bowling and movie nights. Additionally, FMA offers active members the opportunity to attend a conference per semester by attending meetings, social events, and volunteer events.

What companies are affiliated with FMA? Does FMA invite guest speakers to present during the semester?

FMA is sponsored by the CFA Society Orlando. Furthermore, we have had Merrill Lynch, Darden, CitiBank, BNY Mellon and many more come in as guest speakers through developed relationships.

What’s your favorite part about being a member of FMA?

My favorite part of being involved with FMA is the ability to not only hear from current professionals, but being able to cultivate friendships with future business professionals. The members of FMA could one day be a coworker, client or business partner and paths may cross again in the future.

Connect with Financial Management Association 

Instagram: @fmaknights
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/fmaucf

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