UCF College of Business is an outstanding business school, according to The Princeton Review(R). The education services company recently named the College’s Executive and Professional on-campus MBA programs to its list of Best Business Schools for 2023.

The list features profiles of 243 schools offering on-campus MBA programs that have been rated by Princeton Review and students in the programs.

“All of the b-schools that made our list for 2023 deliver exceptional business education and programs,” said Rob Franek, The Princeton Review’s Editor-in-Chief. “We commend them for their excellent academics, and we recommend them highly to prospective MBA applicants.”

The Princeton Review editors describe the UCF Executive and Professional on-campus MBA programs as MBAs with both great value and a great reputation. The profile also includes comments from enrolled MBA students who were surveyed by The Princeton Review for this project. UCF MBA students stated the program “caters to working adults with a schedule of three Saturdays per month and one Friday,” and that the “concierge service for registration and materials…(allows) working professionals to concentrate on the course work.” Another student said that because “the program is cohort-based,” students are able to interact with their peers and hear “perspectives from other executives in various industries and fields.”

“We work hard to understand the needs of working professionals, the things they value in an MBA experience and the need to integrate their education with their busy lives,” said Paul Jarley, Dean of the UCF College of Business. “It’s the diversity of our high-quality student body, focus on building their professional networks and concierge services that separate our program from the competition.”

The Princeton Review editors weigh more than 60 data points in making their selections for their annual Best Business Schools lists. The selections for the 2023 list took into account data from surveys the company conducted in 2021-22 of administrators at 243 schools offering on-campus MBA programs, as well as surveys over the past three academic years of 20,300 students enrolled in the programs.

The administrator survey requests data on topics from academic offerings, faculty and career services to admission and graduation rates. The student survey asks students to rate their school’s academics, professors, administrators and career services and to report on its campus culture as well as their career plans.

“What students tell us about their experiences at their b-schools contributes substantially to our school selections, profiles and ratings,” Franek noted. “We also factor data from our student surveys into our tallies of 17 of this project’s 18 categories of ranking lists.”

Each ranking list names the top 10 on-campus MBA schools in the category. (The Princeton Review does not rank the 243 schools overall from 1 to 243 on a single list.)