Admission Standards
The College of Business Admission Standards have been established by the faculty to increase the likelihood of a timely program completion and post-graduation success. A student’s academic catalog year guarantees their graduation requirements, but not their admission requirements. Admission standards are subject to change without notice and all pre-majors are held to the current admission standards. This applies to both native and transfer students.
Admission into all College of Business restricted access BSBA programs (Accounting, Economics, Finance, Integrated Business, Management, Marketing and Real Estate) requires:
- Completion of the General Education Program
- Completion of the Gordon Rule requirements
- Completion of the Business Common Program Prerequisites with a grade of C or better
- MAC 1105 College Algebra
- ACG 2021 Financial Accounting
- ACG 2071 Managerial Accounting
- ECO 2013 Macroeconomics
- ECO 2023 Microeconomics
- CGS 2100 Computer Fundamentals for Business
- QMB 3003 Quantitative Business Tools I, or (STA 2023 Statistics and MAC 2233 Concepts of Calculus)
- An overall GPA of 2.0
- Completion of the Primary Business Core at UCF or an AACSB-accredited institution. The Primary Core includes the following five courses:
- MAN 3025 Management of Organizations
- MAR 3023 Marketing
- FIN 3403 Finance
- QMB 3200 Quantitative Business Tools II
- ACG 3173 Accounting for Decision Makers (all majors except Pre-Accounting); or ACG 3131 Intermediate Accounting I (Pre-Accounting majors)
- Successful completion of GEB 3006 Career Development and Financial Planning. A “C” or better is required for Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing and Management. Integrated Business and Real Estate require a “D” or better.
Technical Majors
Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing majors must earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the Primary Core, and no grade less than a “C” in each of the five Primary Core classes. Additionally, Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing majors must earn a grade of at least a “B” in the first course in their chosen major. If any course in the Primary Core is repeated, either to earn the minimum required grade of “B” for a first course in the desired major, or to earn the minimum required grade of “C” for any other Primary Core course, both attempts will be counted in the calculation of the Primary Core GPA. However, the better attempt, not the average of both attempts, will be used to determine whether the student has met the minimum required grade sought through the repeated course. The first course in each major is listed below:
- Accounting: ACG 3131 Intermediate Accounting I, minimum grade of B
- Finance: FIN 3403 Finance and ACG 3173 Accounting for Decision Makers, minimum grade of B
- Management: MAN 3025 Management of Organizations, minimum grade of B
- Marketing: MAR 3023 Marketing, minimum grade of B
Students are allowed a maximum of one repeat attempt to meet the 3.0 Primary Core GPA and a
minimum grade of B in the first course in the major. It is the student’s responsibility to thoughtfully consider the admission standards prior to electing to repeat a Primary Core course. If a student elects to repeat a Primary Core course, all six attempts will be used in the Primary Core GPA calculation.
Non-Technical Majors
Integrated Business and Real Estate majors must earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the Primary Core, and no grade less than a “D” in each of the five Primary Core classes. Additionally, Real Estate majors must earn a minimum grade of “C” in the first course in their chosen major. If the first course in the major is repeated to earn a “C”, both attempts will be calculated in the Primary Core GPA. However, the best attempt, not the average of both attempts, will be used to meet the “C” admission requirement. The first course in each major is listed below:
- Real Estate: FIN 3403 Finance, minimum grade of C
- Integrated Business: N/A
Economics majors must earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the Primary Core courses, and no grade less than a “C” in each of the five Primary Core courses. Additionally, Economics majors must earn a grade of at least a “B” or better in their major‐related courses:
- Economics: QMB 3003 Quantitative Business Tools I and QMB 3200 Quantitative Business Tools II
Students are allowed a maximum of one repeat attempt to meet the 2.0 Primary Core GPA and a minimum grade of C in the first course in the major. It is the student’s responsibility to thoughtfully consider the admission standards prior to electing to repeat a Primary Core course. If a student elects to repeat a Primary Core course, all six attempts will be used in the Primary Core GPA calculation.
Admission into any College of Business BSBA program requires meeting the above admission standards. As long as a student meets the above admission standards, and is in the correct “Pre-major,” the student will automatically move into their major. This process will occur after official grades have posted at the end of the term. Check your Knights email for communication from our office.
Course Equivalency Evaluation
If you are transferring to UCF from another institution, please carefully read the below information.
Students entering UCF with business coursework previously taken at another institution may use the College of Business Course Evaluation system to request that a business course that was taken at another institution be reviewed for equivalency with a College of Business course. Submissions to the system are reviewed by faculty within the appropriate academic department to determine if the course taken at another institution is equivalent to the course taught at UCF by College of Business faculty. If the academic department determines that the course is equivalent, the transfer credit will meet degree requirements. If it is determined that the course is not equivalent, the transfer credit will not meet degree requirements and the course must be successfully completed at UCF. Submissions are carefully evaluated by discipline-specific experts within the academic departments; therefore, equivalency decisions are final and non-negotiable. Submissions must include the following:
- Syllabus (must include chapter topics covered) from the course taken at the other institution, from the term the course was taken (WES translation if not in English)
- UCF degree audit showing the course in question as completed with a grade of “C” (2.0) or better
- Course name and number of specific UCF course targeted for equivalency
Failure to include all of the above items will result in a denial of the course equivalency request.
Submit a Request for Course Evaluation
Academic Policies
The Degree Audit
All business students are expected to know how to find their degree audit (accessed through the MyUCF portal) and understand how to read the degree audit. It is the responsibility of each student to know the graduation requirements for their specific major and catalog year. If you have questions regarding your degree audit, you are encouraged to meet with an Advising Team member in the Office of Professional Development (BA2 101). Print and bring a hard copy of your audit with you.
College of Business Student Code of Conduct
As a member of the UCF College of Business community, I commit myself to act honestly, responsibly, and above all, with honor and integrity in all areas of campus life. I am a guest of the College of Business and my continued enrollment in the College is a privilege, not a right. I understand that this privilege may be revoked if it is determined by the College of Business that I am in violation of this Student Code of Conduct. I am accountable for all that I say and write. I will interact with faculty, staff and students in a polite and professional manner at all times. I am responsible for the academic integrity of my work. I pledge that I will neither misrepresent my work nor give or receive unauthorized aid. I commit myself to behave in a manner that demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights and freedoms of all members of the community.
Transient Policy
Business majors are expected to complete their business coursework at UCF. Once a student has enrolled as a UCF College of Business major, the College does not approve transient requests for college of business courses, or any business major required course. Students must request consideration by the College of Business before taking a course at another institution or the course will not count towards degree progress. If there is no record of an approved transient request for the transfer course, it will only count towards general elective credit.
You may submit your request for consideration by applying online at: Go to the drop down menu under ‘Succeed in College’ and select ‘Take a Course at Another School.’ Select the “Apply Now” button. Transient applications are reviewed on a weekly basis.
Timely Academic Progress Towards a Degree
UCF is committed to provide you with guidance to help you stay on track to graduate and begin your career. If you have more than 75 credit hours and are considering changing or adding a major, you need to consult with your advisor to create a plan to get you to the graduation stage.
Requests to add additional College of Business academic plan/s (majors, minors, certificates) will be reviewed in accordance with the requirements listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. Submissions from students with 75+ credits earned or those delaying timely degree completion (ex. if the student is eligible to graduate in the current or next semester of enrollment with their current plan/s) may not be approved.
Students are expected to submit their intent to graduate (ITG) in their graduating semester through their myUCF Student Portal once they have completed degree requirements and by the university deadline for the associated term. Our office can assist students in timely completion of their degree and post-graduation employment through early identification of major fit, connection with internship and employment opportunities, understanding degree requirements, and considering the opportunity costs of potential delays. Please visit the Undergraduate Catalog for information on Timely Academic Progress Toward a Degree.
Incomplete Grade
A grade of “I” (incomplete) may be assigned at the discretion of the instructor under the following conditions:
- The course must be substantially complete and the student must be passing the class.
- The student must be unable to complete the course due to extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control.
- The student must provide the appropriate documentation. The instructor will determine a reasonable amount of time for the student to complete the remaining course requirements.
The incomplete grade agreement must have the approval of the instructor’s department chair.
Note: University requires that incompletes be completed within one year at which time a “F” is assigned. The policy does not require that students be given a year to complete the course requirements. Given the justification for the incomplete grade, course requirements should be completed as soon as reasonably possible the following semester.
Grade Forgiveness
If you are retaking a course for grade forgiveness keep in mind University and College of Business deadlines. Students apply for grade forgiveness in the term they are retaking the course. Be sure to verify the grade you received in your original attempt before applying for grade forgiveness as the original grade in the course will determine the steps to apply for grade forgiveness.
If you received a “C-” or lower in your initial attempt, you will apply for grade forgiveness through myUCF. You will need to complete the online application. Please see below for the steps to submit a qualifying grade forgiveness application online:
- MyUCF > Student Self Service > “Other Academic” Drop-Down Menu > Grade Forgiveness: Application
- The online application must be completed by the University deadline.
Students who have grade forgiveness remaining but encounter issues submitting online should contact no less than two weeks prior to the University deadline for assistance.
If you received a “C” or better in your initial attempt, you will need college approval. You will need to complete a Grade Forgiveness Exception Form to receive this approval.
Process and deadlines:
- OPD requires students to email to request a Grade Forgiveness Exception form at minimum one week prior to the university deadline.
- OPD requires students to complete the form and email back to for review 3 business days prior to the university deadline. We will not accept forms in-person.
- Students will be contacted once their form has been signed and approved with instructions to submit this form to the Registrar’s Office by the university deadline. OPD will NOT submit grade forgiveness forms on behalf of students.
Students must adhere to the OPD and University deadlines outlined above. Grade forgiveness requests/forms will not be processed if received after the deadlines listed above.
For more information about the UCF Grade Forgiveness policy and university deadline, please see the following website: Grade Forgiveness – Registrar’s Office (
When registering for courses, it is the student’s responsibility to know prerequisite requirements. This includes both individual course prerequisites (e.g., Quantitative Business Tools I must be successfully completed prior to taking Quantitative Business Tools II) and program prerequisites (e.g., Primary Core classes must be successfully completed prior to enrolling in any upper-level courses in the major). College of Business prerequisites are updated annually by the faculty and are in place to increase the likelihood of student success. Current prerequisite requirements may be found in the UCF catalog.
Students meeting the program prerequisites for a specific major may apply for admission to that major. Each business major has admission requirements unique to that particular major that have been established to increase the likelihood of a timely program completion and post-graduation success. Admission requirements must be met and an online ‘Change of Major Request’ must be submitted and approved in order to move from a ‘pre-business major’ status to ‘in the major’ status. Students in a pre-business status have not been officially admitted into a major and may not enroll in upper-level courses in the major.
When prerequisites are changed, they are enforced for all students. For courses with updated prerequisites, this means that any student who has not taken the course, regardless of catalog year, must meet the new prerequisite(s).
College of Business Course Overlap Policy
A maximum of 6 hours of coursework may be shared between programs in the College of Business. The exception to this policy is the Marketing minor and Professional Selling minor, which only allow 3 hours of course overlap.
Time Conflicts
Registration for a course that has a time overlap with any portion of the dedicated class time of another course is NOT permitted. This includes an overlap with lecture capture courses.
Academic Load
University policy allows students to enroll in a maximum of 17 credit hours per fall and spring term, and a maximum of 14 credit hours per summer term (14 credit hours for summer A, B, C, and D combined). The College of Business fully supports this policy. Exceptions to this University policy are rare. The College of Business will consider exceptions to the University academic load policy only when a student meets the following minimum criteria:
- Documented extenuating circumstances
- Major, College of Business and UCF GPA are each at a minimum of 3.0
- Academic history of strong performance when taking a 15 credit hour load at UCF
Please note that work-related time conflicts, personal schedule conflicts, financial constraints, etc. are not appropriate reasons for requesting an exception to University and College of Business registration policies.
UCF Academic Probation
The minimum UCF GPA required to be considered a student “in good standing” is 2.0. If a student’s UCF grade point average falls below a 2.0, the student is placed on Academic Probation. Being on academic probation can potentially impact financial aid loans & scholarships, student organization membership, and internship opportunities.
Students on academic probation are required to earn a minimum 2.0 UCF GPA during the subsequent semester. If the semester UCF GPA is above a 2.0 and is high enough to raise the cumulative UCF GPA back to a 2.0 or higher, then the student is placed back in “good standing” and is removed from academic probation. If the semester UCF GPA is a 2.0 but is not high enough to raise the cumulative UCF GPA back to a 2.0, then the student is placed on “Continued Probation” the next semester. If for any reason the student fails to earn a minimum 2.0 UCF GPA in the next semester, the student will be disqualified from the University.
A student on Academic Probation is disqualified upon failure to achieve a minimum 2.0 UCF GPA during the subsequent term. Students who have been disqualified from UCF will have a hold on their account from the Registrar’s Office. Disqualification means that the student is no longer a UCF student.
Readmission to the University
A Disqualified student seeking readmission to the University may submit an application for readmission to the Registrar’s Office. Applications for readmission must include a letter documenting the reasons for previous academic difficulties, clear evidence of satisfactory academic performance since leaving the UCF, and plans for achieving a GPA of 2.0 or better.
Minimum criteria that must be met in order to be considered for readmission include:
- Strong evidence (demonstrated in transcripts) of academic potential in coursework relevant to chosen major, including coursework completed elsewhere since last enrolled at UCF.
- Evidence of resolution of previous issues contributing to disqualification.
- Completion of the UCF minimum two-term academic suspension period.
- A UCF grade point deficiency of fewer than 30 points.
- A Major grade point deficiency of less than or equal to 9 points for non-technical majors (Economics, Integrated Business and Real Estate) and 6 points for all technical majors (Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing).
- A College of Business grade point deficiency of less than or equal to 15 points.
- The grade point deficiency is defined as the number of credit hours earned with a B grade that is required to raise the grade point average to a given GPA as defined by the most recent Catalog requirements.
- Completion of an AA degree from a Florida Public Institution if the General Education and Gordon Rule were not previously met at UCF.
- Completion of Business Common Program Prerequisites with a grade of C (2.0 GPA) or higher (ACG 2021, ACG 2071, ECO 2023, ECO 2013, CGS 2100, and QMB 3003 [or MAC 2233 and STA 2023]).
- Meeting the admission standard for chosen major. It is the student’s responsibility to review the College of Business admission standards for the chosen major.
If you believe you meet all of the above criteria:
Step 1: Complete the appropriate application found on the Registrar’s Office website.
Step 2: Complete the College of Business Readmission Application and provide your transcripts and personal statement to .
Meeting minimum criteria does not guarantee readmission. Readmission decisions are posted the Friday after the last day of classes during the term the application was submitted.
A student readmitted following Disqualification who fails to achieve a minimum 2.0 UCF GPA is permanently excluded from the University. Students are not eligible for readmission after Exclusion. Students who have been excluded will not be considered for readmission, and may not appeal any failure to be readmitted following Exclusion.
College of Business Lack of Progress Policy
In addition to maintaining a UCF GPA of at least a 2.0, all business students are required to maintain a minimum Major and College of Business GPA, per their declared major and catalog year.
Lack of Progress in the Major
Students failing to maintain the minimum required major GPA, per their declared major and catalog year will be placed on “Lack of Progress” in the major. If a student on “Lack of Progress” in the major fails to achieve the minimum required major GPA in the subsequent term of enrollment, including summer semesters, that student will be dismissed from the major and required to change his or her major. Students dismissed from their major are not eligible to declare a minor in the major they were dismissed from. For example: A student dismissed from Accounting is unable to declare an Accounting minor after dismissal. Students who change their major while on Lack of Progress in the Major and take courses in a subsequent term of enrollment are not permitted to return to the major or minor for which they were placed on Lack of Progress. Students will not be considered as a 2nd degree seeking at UCF for a major, minor, or certificate in the program from which they were dismissed.
Lack of Progress in the College
Students failing to maintain a minimum College of Business GPA of 2.0 will be placed on “Lack of Progress” in the College. If a student on “Lack of Progress” in the College fails to achieve a cumulative 2.0 College GPA in the subsequent term of enrollment, including summer semesters, that student will be dismissed from the College and required to change his or her major to a major outside of the College of Business. Students who change their major while on Lack of Progress in the College and take courses in a subsequent term of enrollment are not permitted to return to the College.
Academic Appeal Policy
Academic policies have been approved by university and College of Business faculty. These policies will be strictly enforced. It is rare that an exception would be made. If a student has documented proof of a university error or extenuating circumstances, the College may consider an appeal. Medical-related appeals (death of an immediate family member, medical or health issues, etc.) should be submitted through the Registrar’s Office, not our College appeal process. There is a university deadline for these appeals. Appeals based on disagreement or general dissatisfaction with a policy will not be considered. Work-related conflicts, schedule preferences, financial issues, and other non-academic arguments are not an appropriate rationale for requesting an exception to policy and, therefore, will not be considered.
Formal appeals will be considered only when all of the following conditions are met:
- The appeal includes a formal typed letter directly citing the specific policy that the student is appealing, and clearly states the exception that the student is requesting. The letter must also include the student’s PID, declared major, College of Business GPA, and UCF GPA. The letter should be clear and concise, and free of grammatical errors.
- The student has extenuating circumstances that are clearly linked to the specific situation and can produce documentation of said extenuating circumstances.
- The appeal includes a copy of the student’s degree audit.
- The appeal package contains all the above-required information and should be addressed to: College of Business Academic Policy Review Board. Appeals are submitted through an online platform. Students may request information about appeals through the Office of Professional Development.
Please review the above criteria carefully and proofread your packet thoroughly. Failure to meet all of the above criteria will result in an automatic denial. If an appeal is denied, additional appeals concerning the same request will not be permitted.
Appeals will be accepted throughout the semester, until the Monday before the start of classes as indicated on the Academic Calendar. The Academic Policy Review Board will convene once a month to review appeals. Students will be notified of the Board’s decision via their Knights mail account after the Review Board has reached a decision on their appeal.