Marshall Schminke is Pegasus Professor Emeritus of Management at the University of Central Florida, where he specializes in business ethics and strategy. In 2021, he was named a Pegasus Professor, the highest honor that can be awarded to faculty at UCF. He received his doctorate from Carnegie Mellon University and has served as a Visiting Scholar at Oxford University and the London School of Economics. He has been a Research Fellow with the Ethics Resource Center, the Ethics and Compliance Initiative, and the Defense Industry Initiative, all in Washington, D.C., as well as a Research Collaborator with Ethical Systems in New York. He has published two books, more than 70 articles, and given more than 80 presentations at professional conferences and universities in the U.S. and abroad. He has served as Associate Editor for three top academic journals, is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and American Psychological Association, and a member of the Society for Organizational Behavior. Beyond these academic pursuits, he has advised organizations ranging from family businesses to Fortune 500 firms, the U.S. Strategic Command, and the U.S. Army. He has provided expert witness testimony on corporate ethics in U.S. District Court Proceedings. His thoughts on business strategy, management, and ethics have appeared in over 50 newspapers and magazines, including the New York Times, Newsday, and the Chicago Tribune.
Teaching / Research Interest
- Business Ethics
- Business Strategy
- Organizational design
Research & Consulting Activity
Business ethics, business strategy, and organizational design advice for organizations ranging from Fortune 500 firms to family businesses, as well as public safety organizations (police and firefighters), universities and the military.
In The News
Research and Publications
Behavioral ethics: New frontiers
How much sharing is too much?
BBC Capital
Encouraging employees to report unethical conduct internally: It takes a village
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 121, 89-103.
Videos and Media
Pegasus Professor: Marshall Schminke