
Carol Saunders, Ph.D., is a Professor Emerita of Management at the University of Central Florida. Dr. Saunders has received lifetime accomplishment awards from two disciplines: the LEO award in the Information Systems (IS) discipline and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the OCIS (now CTO) Division of the Academy of Management. She is an Association of Information Systems Fellow, a Schӧller Senior Fellow and the 2020 Distinguished Educator (awarded by the Education Special Interest Group for Information Systems). She served on many editorial boards, including a three-year term as Editor-in-Chief of MIS Quarterly.

She served as General Conference Chair of the premier IS conference, ICIS, and as the Program Co-chair of AMCIS 2015. She was Vice President of Publications for the Association for Information Systems (AIS) from 2016 – 2019. Carol helped found the Organization Communication and Information Systems (OCIS) division of the Academy of Management and served in a variety of positions including its program chair and division chair. She was the Distinguished Fulbright Scholar at the Wirtschafts Universität – Wien (WU) in Austria and earlier held a Professional Fulbright with the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute. She has held research chairs in Germany, New Zealand, Singapore, and the Netherlands.

Her current research interests include job crafting, overload, coopetition, sourcing, virtual teams, business models, and control. She has published in top-ranked management, IS, computer science and communication journals.


Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach (eighth edition) 2024, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, eBook ISBN: 978-1-394-21549-2; print ISBN: 978-1-394-21544-7

Rutkowski, A.F. and Saunders, C. Cognitive and Emotional Overload: The Dark Side of Information Technology. 2018. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-05335-9.


Bock, M., Weiner, M. and Saunders, C.S., “Non-Ownership Business Models in the Manufacturing Industry: Uncertainty-Exploiting versus Uncertainty-Mitigating Designs and the Role of Context Factors,” 2023, Electronic Markets, Vol 30, No.1, Article 16.

Tsai, J. C. A., Klein, G., Saunders, C. S., and Jiang, J. J., “Information Elaboration and Coopetition: Participation in the Replacement of Legacy Systems,” 2022, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol 69.

Tarafdar, M. and Saunders, C., “Remote, Mobile and Blue-Collar: ICT-Enabled Job Crafting to Elevate Occupational Wellbeing,” 2022, Journal of AIS, Vol. 23, No. 3, 707-749. Nominated by JAIS as best grounded theory paper for SIG GTM award.

Lee, J., Saunders, C., Pantelli, N. and Wang, T., “Managing Information Sharing: Interorganizational Communication in Collaborations with Competitors,” 2021, Information & Organization, May 31:100354.

Ulrich Remus, Martin Wiener, Carol Saunders & Magnus Mähring. “The impact of control styles and control modes on individual-level outcomes: a first test of the integrated IS project control theory,” 2020. European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2, 134-152.

Wiener, M., Marabelli, M., and Saunders, C. “Business Models for Big Data,” 2020 Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 35, No. 1, 66-91.

Mueller, S., Mathiassen, L. and Saunders, C., “Pluralist Theory Building: A Critical Approach to Generalization from Qualitative Data,” 2020. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 21, Iss. 1: article 9. To be reprinted in Advancing Information Systems edited by Nik Hassan and Leslie Willcocks.

Wiener, M., Mähring, M., Remus, U., Saunders, C. and Cram, A. “Moving IS Project Control Research into the Digital Era: The ‘Why’ of Control and the Concept of Control Purpose,” 2019, Information Systems Research, Vol. 30, No. 4, 1387-1401.

Hacker, J., Johnson, M., Saunders, C., and Thayer, A. “Trust in Virtual Teams: A Multidisciplinary Review and Integration,” 2018, Australian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 22: 1-35.

Wiener M, Hoßbach N, and Saunders C., “Omnichannel businesses in the publishing and retailing industries: Synergies and tensions between coexisting online and offline business models,” 2018, Decision Support Systems, May 1;109:15-26.

Saunders, C., Wiener, M., Klett, S. and Sprenger, S., “The Impact of Mental Representations on ICT-Related Overload in the Use of Mobile Phones,” 2017, Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(3), 803-825.

Mueller, S., Mathiassen, L. and Saunders, C., “Political Maneuvering during Business Process Transformation: A Pluralist Approach,” 2017. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 18(3), 173.

Wu, Y. and Saunders, C., “Governing the Fiduciary Relationship in Information Security Services,” 2016, Decision Support Systems, 92, 57-67.

Wiener, M., Remus, U. Mähring, M. and Saunders, C., “Control Configuration and Control Enactment in Information Systems Projects: Review and Expanded Theoretical Framework,” 2016, MIS Quarterly, 40(3), 741-774.

Saunders, C., Rutkowski, A.F., Pluyter, R. and Spangers, R., “Health Information Technologies: From Hazardous to the Dark Side,” 2016, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(7), 1767 – 1772.


Saunders, Carol. “Senior Editor Reflections.” MIS Quarterly, Vol. 47, no. 4 (2023): ix-xi. Note: this is part of the Guest Editorial by Paul Leonardi, “Affordances and Agency: Toward Clarification and Integration of Diffuse Concepts,” i-ix.  Paul wrote the editorial to provide his reflections on winning the 2023 award for the most impactful MISQ article published over a 10-year period.  I served as the SE on the paper that won the award.

Wright, R. T., Saunders, C., Sarker, S., Kankanhalli, A., Whitley, E. A., Tuunainen, V. K., & Henriksen, H. Z. “The Scholarly Divide: Insights from the AIS Well-being Project. Communications of the Association for Information Systems,” 52 (2023): 777-797.

Winter, Susan and Saunders, Carol. “The Personal in the Policy Cascade.” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 20, no. 11 (2019): 1692 -1699.

Saunders, Carol, Bendik Bygstad, Carlos Ferran, Ting-Peng Liang, Jan Recker, Susan A. Brown, Alan R. Dennis, Dennis Galletta, Paul Benjamin Lowry, and Suprateek Sarker. “Goals, Values, and Expectations of the AIS Family of Journals.” Journal of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 18, no. 9 (2017): 633-647.

Sarker, Suprateek; Agarwal, Ritu; Goes, Paulo; Gregor, Shirley; Henfridsson, Ola; Saunders, Carol; and Tan, Bernard, “Roles and Responsibilities of a Senior Editor,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 16: Iss. 9 (2015): Article 1.

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